our team

meet the marianettes

MARIAN has been collectively created by a multicultural team of collaborators and producers.

It is being presented by Liquid Theatre Collective, a non profit theatre company that holds the EXCLUSIVE MUSICAL STAGE RIGHTS to the Marian Anderson Archival Estate. 


an original musical based on the life of Marian Anderson

Story by Elkin Antoniou G, Chelsea Marie Davis & Caleen Sinnette Jennings

Music by Chelsea Marie Davis & Victoria Theodore

Lyrics by Chelsea Marie Davis & Emily Ruth Hazel

Book by Caleen Sinnette Jennings & Elkin Antoniou G

Special Thanks to Michael Genet for his early creative contribution 

Arrangements & Music Supervision - Victoria Theodore

Casting Directors - Amber Snead, CSA & Kendra Lynn Lucas (ARC)

General Management - Brierpatch Productions

Lead Producer - Liquid Theatre Collective
(Co-Founder/Artistic Director - Elkin Antoniou G | Producing Director - Randy Donaldson | Co-Founder/Executive Director Emerita - Amy E. Gewirtz)

Producers - Claire Wilkes, Alexa Fleur Harris, Jay Pension

Co-Producer - Amy E. Gewirtz

Director - Tamara Tunie

artist statement

why this show? why now?

Today our nation is polarized and raw. Now, more than ever, we need someone to unite us. Over 80 years ago, a Black woman named Marian Anderson did just that. She defied racial prejudice to electrify the country with a live concert on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial. Her magnificent artistry bridged divided races, cultures, classes and political factions. 

As theater makers, we envision a world where stories of women and people of color are readily invited to take center stage. Anderson’s story is fresh and largely unknown to this generation. This show presents an incredible opportunity for a complex female lead to defy stereotypical representations of the Black experience. 

Marian rose from desperate circumstances to enrich, inspire and enlighten the world with music. She sang and spoke in multiple languages to remind us that humanity has one, unified voice. In this tumultuous time in history, we need heroes to help us imagine and create a more just, inclusive world. Marian Anderson is a role model who healed through music and exemplified love, equity and the eternal, unbreakable connection between all people.